Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome to the Super Party!

Hello! You've reached the From NY to JP blog. By now, you've realized that this is not actually a super party... but don't run away just yet! I may have lured you in using fresh baked cookies and promised you a brand new car, but even though you won't be getting those, you just might enjoy this blog if you just stick around. 

Actually, this is kind of weird.

I've always found reasons to purchase diaries in the store, but once I got one, I realized that I don't actually WANT to write my memories down all in one place. Memories, for me, are meant to be kept in my head, and uncovered at the most delightful and unexpected times. Writing them all down seemed... odd, like it was an exercise for people who aren't able to properly express their feelings. Now, I am beginning to see that when people express their thoughts in different mediums, it helps them to not only feel open to new experiences, but it helps them share their interests with others, which is why I am here!

In later posts, I will explain my interests, and hobbies.

You can stop edging away now.

Yeah, maybe later I'll get you that car, but you'll have to stick around...

2 units of feedback:

Sprittibee said...

I like the graphic. Welcome to the blogosphere. Thanks for the comment on my blog.

Wishing you blessings for your blogging adventure in Japan.

Max said...

This is a message to the future. I am so excited to see 10 years from now.