Thursday, June 19, 2008

Welcome to the (Carless) beginning

Hello, it's Japan Otaku again with another post on my new blog! Why, it still smells new as well.

I'll tell you about some of my interest-- no, I don't have the car.

I'm telling you, I don't have the car!

Okay, anyways, I'd like to share some of my interests with you. I really like the country Japan. In particular, I like the culture. Having lived in USA all of my life, I don't get exposed to a lot of culture that often. I've done a lot of studying on Japan, and... well, I enjoy learning about their lifestyles! Not only am I learning about certain customs of Japan, but I am learning to speak and write in Japanese.  Many of us take advantage of Asian culture, and I want to embrace it. So, I am here to say, pick up that sushi you're eating, and embrace it! Take in the wonderful scents of that teriyaki chicken! And before you turn the channel on your television from the anime "Inuyasha" in the small hours of the morning, take a second to understand the long winded, convoluted story that others have taken so much time to think up. And I KNOW you understand what I'm talking about.

Now that I've succeeded in making everything awkward, how about I tell you about some of my other interests? I play the violin, as well as the piano (and maybe the oboe soon!!!), and I take French and Latin classes. I enjoy watching "This American Life", which can be seen on Showtime (however, I do not receive this channel, so I listen to the radio edition of the show on Right now I am reading "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (instead of watching the movie!! I've heard that people who have been following the movies since the 1980's find this a slight disappointment)... and I'm also reading Hana-Kimi, an anime. If you have found anything on this post that interests you, please don't forget to comment! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon :)

1 units of feedback:

Sprittibee said...

I love piano. Everything, really. Oboe sounds wonderful. My favorite is the Arabian Song from the Nutcracker. I think that was an Oboe. My mom teaches piano. I only play a few songs.

I like a lot of things about Japan. The dolphin-clubbing incident was really not palatable, however. I'm still ill every time I think about it.

We studied about Japan this year in home school.

How old are you? Are you a student living with your family? Or a single person traveling? A missionary? A Japanese-American returning to your ancestors home-land? Those kinds of questions would be great blog posts. Photos are great, too... and easy to do if you have a digital camera and a photobucket account (free).