Monday, July 6, 2009

My Japanese Progress!

Lately, since it's summer vacation, I have been able to do a LOT more Japanese. Particularly, I have been trying to learn more kanji to correspond with new adjectives and verbs I've been memorizing.

But, it turns out that I have an unexpected problem. Since it's spring break, most would take a break from all of their studies, educational or otherwise. I, however... am way too obsessed to take any sort of break.

Exactly how obsessed? I mean, "Learn 5 kanji every day", "finish 2 chapters of 'Japanese for Dummies'" obsessed. By the way, recently I've been using this extremely useful website called, which helps you with learning various things using flashcard-like quizzes. It's extremely addictive, and it even features some exercises from's Koichi-ben. Check it-- it's in the sidebar.

This blog post from helped me a lot to budget my time wisely and to not overwork myself. It's also useful for those who find themselves not able to study enough. Perhaps it'd help you, whether or not you are studying Japanese!


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