Saturday, January 10, 2009

About Japanese... umm....

I've been on it like skin on grapes! :D

Now, obviously, 3 months of absence is WAAAY too long to be catching you up on it all. So, what I'll do is, I'll mention the most important steps I've made, and just add in the rest.

First of all, I made a JAPANESE BOX! It's FULL (quite literally) of almost every single book I have ever bought pertaining to Japan, learning Japanese, things related to Japan, mangas in English that were translated from Japanese, notebooks in which I have written in or about Japanese, and much, much more. (Please stop drooling. ;D) 

Now, to make this box, all I had to do was to pretty much cut the flaps off of a cardboard box. Right now it is quite heavy, and as I am typing this it is in the same position as when I first took the picture. Now it might not be pretty, but I will of course decorate it by covering it with paper or something to that effect.

What purpose does the box serve? Well, of course, it puts all of my books straight in my face, so I'll never have to go looking around for them like a treasure hunt. But, it also gives me an inventory of the different types of books that I have, so I won't have to impulsively buy any book that I feel the need to buy at that exact moment. It also is a very effective inspiration, because it is just exciting to know how many books that are in there that I've gotten over the years. I have books in there that are 5 years old, and others that I have just gotten last week. That kind of visible persistence would spur anyone to get up and do what they most would like to do.

I should prolly go over what's IN the box! To do this, I will break up the types of books into four categories: 

1) Books about learning Japanese;
2) Small books about learning about Japanese;
3) Workbooks on learning Japanese;
4) Books about Japanese culture;
5) Books in Japanese;
6) Japanese entertainment-type books.

I'll post each of these categories after another. Thanks for reading, and cya tomorrow! :D

2 units of feedback:

Anonymous said...


Nia H. said...

Well, thank you, Anonymous!!

It'll be a lot COOLer once I decorate it with glitter. :D