Saturday, January 10, 2009

The inevitable DIARY DISORDER

Hello, *the two people who might actually have stumbled on this blog looking for something else completely unrelated and have probably stopped reading by now*. It's so nice to see you again.

I have recently come down with what's typical for me as a writer, which I like to call "The Diary Disorder". Being an aspiring scientist, I looked up this fictional illness on Wikipedia and came up with this definition:

"The Diary Disorder is the common term for the Latin "diarium inordinarius", which means a disease inflicted at birth upon individuals such as JP Otaku which precludes them from keeping a journal or diary with routine entries...".

I'll tell you the reason why I'm not able to keep this darned blog satisfied for as long as I've had it. *sneer*

First of all, it's the frame of mind. I've realized when keeping a material diary, I create such a connection between myself and the "diary" being, that after a while when I begin to resent writing down my feelings, and I reassure myself by saying, "Oh, the diary already knows what happened today; I'll just skip it for now." Then, one thing leads to another, and I end up sending telekinetic messages to it. I get tired of recapturing the moments of weeks before when I had forgotten to write in my journal, and eventually, the diary ends up in a box somewhere.

Second of all, so much things have been happening that when I do forget to write in my diary, I expect myself to make a comeback a few days later with this mind-blowing post with so much rich information in it that the "diary" being would never want to put it down. Then I start contemplating the delivery of this information, down to chronology and enough segues to make the story flow easily. However, as you may have guessed, the beautifully crafted story never MAKES it to the diary, and remains swirling around in my head, which is what ZeFrank appropriately calls "brain crack". (Watch ZeFrank. Now.)

Third of all, school's started. But, that's barely an excuse, so...

For the record, a lot of things HAVE been going on recently, and I plan to recount them on this blog, and rid myself forever of this brain crack. I will be posting very soon (and with PHOTOS!) but if I do end up leaving the blog empty for weeks at a time, at least you know a little about my condition. :D

Lastly, I HAVE been following up on my Japanese, but as I've said, I will tell you about it soon! I am very excited to be able to post it all in one place, so please stay tuned!

--JP Otaku

P.S. Recently, I've been informed that the word "otaku" may not have as much of a positive meaning in Japan than it does in America. Heh... So, please, use your discretion. :)

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